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FM 2009: Formal Methods | Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings | Ana Cavalcanti (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | xvii | Englisch | 2009 | Springer, Berlin - Cavalcanti, Ana
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€ 93.50
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Cavalcanti, Ana:

FM 2009: Formal Methods | Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings | Ana Cavalcanti (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | xvii | Englisch | 2009 | Springer, Berlin - Paperback

2009, ISBN: 9783642050886

[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Springer, Berlin], This book presents the refereed proceedings of FM 2009, the 16th International Symposium on Formal Methods, held as the Second World Congress on… More...

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FM 2009: Formal Methods
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€ 106.99
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FM 2009: Formal Methods - new book

2009, ISBN: 9783642050886

th FM 2009, the 16 International Symposium on Formal Methods, marked the 10th an- versary of the First World Congress on Formal Methods that was held in 1999 in Toulouse, France. We wishe… More...

Nr. 978-3-642-05088-6. Shipping costs:Worldwide free shipping, , DE. (EUR 0.00)
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€ 48.72
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Cavalcanti Ana, Dams Dennis:
FM 2009: Formal Methods: Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 5850) - Paperback


ISBN: 3642050883

[EAN: 9783642050886], [SC: 4.95], [PU: Springer], ,, Zustand: in gebrauchtem, gutem Zustand, aus Privatbesitz, geringe Lese- Lagerspuren, Altersgemaesse kleinere Maengel sind nicht immer … More...

Shipping costs: EUR 4.95 Antiquariat BuchX, Wolfratshausen, Germany [58516020] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]
FM 2009: Formal Methods: Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) - Cavalcanti, Ana and Dennis Dams
at Achtung-Buecher.de
€ 62.15
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Cavalcanti, Ana and Dennis Dams:
FM 2009: Formal Methods: Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) - Paperback

2026, ISBN: 3642050883

Auflage: 2009 23,1 x 15,5 x 3,3 cm, Taschenbuch 820 Seiten Taschenbuch ex Library Book / aus einer wissenschafltichen Bibliothek /, [KW:BUCH] 2, [PU:Springer,]

Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 0.00) Mosakowski GbR Halim Koulali und Lubosz Mosakowski, 65428 Rüsselsheim am Main
FM 2009: Formal Methods - Ana Cavalcanti; Dennis Dams
at lehmanns.de
€ 149.79
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Ana Cavalcanti; Dennis Dams:
FM 2009: Formal Methods - First edition

2009, ISBN: 9783642050886


Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings, Buch, Softcover, [PU: Springer Berlin], [ED: 1], Springer Berlin, 2009

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
FM 2009: Formal Methods

This book presents the refereed proceedings of FM 2009, the 16th International Symposium on Formal Methods, held as the Second World Congress on Formal Methods in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in November 2009 in the course of the first International Formal Methods Week, FMWeek 2009. The 45 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers and 3 additional papers from the Industry Day were carefully reviewed and selected from 139 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on model checking, compositionality, verification, concurrency, refinement, static analysis, theorem proving, semantics, industrial applications, object-orientation, pointers, real-time, tools and industrial applications, and industry-day abstracts.

Details of the book - FM 2009: Formal Methods

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783642050886
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3642050883
Publishing year: 2009
Publisher: Springer Berlin
820 Pages
Weight: 1,182 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2008-05-09T21:42:05+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2024-09-01T03:43:55+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9783642050886

ISBN - alternate spelling:
3-642-05088-3, 978-3-642-05088-6
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: cavalcanti, dams, dennis
Book title: eindhoven, joaquin sorolla, 2009, lecture notes computer science, congress proceedings, world computer, berlin november

Information from Publisher

Author: Ana Cavalcanti; Dennis Dams
Title: Programming and Software Engineering; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; FM 2009: Formal Methods - Second World Congress, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009, Proceedings
Publisher: Springer; Springer Berlin
820 Pages
Publishing year: 2009-10-26
Berlin; Heidelberg; DE
Language: English
106,99 € (DE)
109,99 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XVII, 820 p.

BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Informatik, EDV/Informatik; Software Engineering; Verstehen; Informatik; B-method; C programming language; calculus; communication protocols; complexity; constraint solving; design; distributed systems; formal modeling; formal specification; logic; model checking; model-based testing; statistics; verification; Software Engineering; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming; Compilers and Interpreters; Programming Techniques; Mensch-Computer-Interaktion; Theoretische Informatik; Compiler und Übersetzer; Computerprogrammierung und Softwareentwicklung; EA

Invited Papers.- Formal Methods for Privacy.- What Can Formal Methods Bring to Systems Biology?.- Guess and Verify – Back to the Future.- Verification, Testing and Statistics.- Security, Probability and Nearly Fair Coins in the Cryptographers’ Café.- Model Checking I.- Recursive Abstractions for Parameterized Systems.- Abstract Model Checking without Computing the Abstraction.- Three-Valued Spotlight Abstractions.- Fair Model Checking with Process Counter Abstraction.- Compositionality.- Systematic Development of Trustworthy Component Systems.- Partial Order Reductions Using Compositional Confluence Detection.- A Formal Method for Developing Provably Correct Fault-Tolerant Systems Using Partial Refinement and Composition.- Verification.- Abstract Specification of the UBIFS File System for Flash Memory.- Inferring Mealy Machines.- Formal Management of CAD/CAM Processes.- Concurrency.- Translating Safe Petri Nets to Statecharts in a Structure-Preserving Way.- Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Concurrent Programs.- On the Difficulties of Concurrent-System Design, Illustrated with a 2×2 Switch Case Study.- Refinement.- Sums and Lovers: Case Studies in Security, Compositionality and Refinement.- Iterative Refinement of Reverse-Engineered Models by Model-Based Testing.- Model Checking Linearizability via Refinement.- Static Analysis.- It’s Doomed; We Can Prove It.- “Carbon Credits” for Resource-Bounded Computations Using Amortised Analysis.- Field-Sensitive Value Analysis by Field-Insensitive Analysis.- Theorem Proving.- Making Temporal Logic Calculational: A Tool for Unification and Discovery.- A Tableau for CTL*.- Certifiable Specification and Verification of C Programs.- Formal Reasoning about Expectation Properties for Continuous Random Variables.- Semantics.-The Denotational Semantics of slotted-Circus.- Unifying Probability with Nondeterminism.- Towards an Operational Semantics for Alloy.- A Robust Semantics Hides Fewer Errors.- Special Track: Industrial Applications I.- Analysis of a Clock Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Formal Verification of Avionics Software Products.- Formal Verification of Curved Flight Collision Avoidance Maneuvers: A Case Study.- Object-Orientation.- Connecting UML and VDM++ with Open Tool Support.- Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine Refinement in UML-B.- Dynamic Classes: Modular Asynchronous Evolution of Distributed Concurrent Objects.- Abstract Object Creation in Dynamic Logic.- Pointers.- Reasoning about Memory Layouts.- A Smooth Combination of Linear and Herbrand Equalities for Polynomial Time Must-Alias Analysis.- Real-Time.- On the Complexity of Synthesizing Relaxed and Graceful Bounded-Time 2-Phase Recovery.- Verifying Real-Time Systems against Scenario-Based Requirements.- Special Track: Tools and Industrial Applications II.- Formal Specification of a Cardiac Pacing System.- Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models.- Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice.- Model Checking II.- A Metric Encoding for Bounded Model Checking.- An Incremental Approach to Scope-Bounded Checking Using a Lightweight Formal Method.- Verifying Information Flow Control over Unbounded Processes.- Specification and Verification of Web Applications in Rewriting Logic.- Industry-Day Abstracts.- Verifying the Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor with VCC.- Industrial Practice in Formal Methods: A Review.- Model-Based GUI Testing Using Uppaal  at Novo Nordisk.

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