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Peters, Tenuta; Logist, Karel:

Tenuta Peters and Karel Logist: Architexto T.9 - Paperback

2011, ISBN: 2930525061, Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD

Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: CREATIVA PR, 170 Seiten, L=168mm, B=109mm, H=15mm, Gew.=159gr, [GR: 25850 - TB/Architektur], [SW: - Architecture], Kartoniert/Br… More...

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€ 13.50
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Tenuta Peters:

Tenuta Peters and Karel Logist - Paperback

2001, ISBN: 9782930525068

Paperback, [PU: Civa Publishing], Delphine Peters received her diploma in 2000 from the Higher Institute of Architecture, Saint-Luc de Wallonie in Liege. Andrea Tenuta received his diplom… More...

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€ 7.99
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Peters, Tenuta , Logist, Karel:
Architexto T.9, Tenuta, Peters erchitectes , Karel Logist écrivain - hardcover


ISBN: 9782930525068

Peters, Tenuta , Logist, Karel (Auteur) - Paru le 01/01/2009 chez FOURRE TOUT Livre ARCHITEXTO, FOURRE TOUT

  - Nr. 12031071 Shipping costs:Comme neuf, 1, Lieferung nach Frankreich (EUR 2.99)
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€ 20.26
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T. Peters K. Logist:
Architexto T.09 Tenuta/ Peters Architectes Karel Logist Ecrivain - new book

ISBN: 2930525061

Architexto T.09 Tenuta/ Peters Architectes Karel Logist Ecrivain Author :T. Peters K. Logist 9782930525068 2930525061

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book

Delphine Peters received her diploma in 2000 from the Higher Institute of Architecture, Saint-Luc de Wallonie in Li ge. Andrea Tenuta received his diploma from IUAV in 2001. Karel Logist was born in 1962 at Spa, in the French-speaking region of Belgium. Since his first collection, Le s ismographe, he has published a dozen works.

Details of the book - Tenuta Peters and Karel Logist: Architexto T.9

EAN (ISBN-13): 9782930525068
ISBN (ISBN-10): 2930525061
Publishing year: 2011
Publisher: CREATIVA PR
170 Pages
Weight: 0,159 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2012-02-08T18:46:09+00:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2014-07-31T10:49:12+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9782930525068

ISBN - alternate spelling:
2-930525-06-1, 978-2-930525-06-8
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: karel may, mildenberger, peters

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