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Mashawn Mickels:

Sexual Seduction - Paperback

ISBN: 1934947474

[SR: 11870386], Paperback, [EAN: 9781934947470], Asta Publications LLC, Asta Publications LLC, Book, [PU: Asta Publications LLC], Asta Publications LLC, Sexual seduction has been practice… More...

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Sexual Seduction - Mashawn Mickels
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Mashawn Mickels:

Sexual Seduction - Paperback

ISBN: 1934947474

[SR: 11870386], Paperback, [EAN: 9781934947470], Asta Publications LLC, Asta Publications LLC, Book, [PU: Asta Publications LLC], Asta Publications LLC, Sexual seduction has been practice… More...

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Mickels, Mashawn:
Sexual Seduction - Paperback


ISBN: 1934947474

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Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: ASTA PUBN, 126 Seiten, L=140mm, B=216mm, H=7mm, Gew.=168gr, [GR: 21110 - TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen], [SW: - Fiction - A… More...

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Details of the book
Sexual Seduction

Sexual seduction has been practiced for such a long time. It’s used to make a person do something that they didn’t know was in them. Mashawn has taken sex to a brand new level with her new book Sexual Seduction. Mashawn, with her second book has taking the words of love and turn them into the act of sex. Her power of passion and sex pours out in so many ways in her second book Sexual Seduction. With each poem she purposely tempts you with particular act of the love and sex in ways you forgot about. Let, Sexual Seduction into your bedroom and show you how to speak with love in your eyes as you read and put words on your tongue that your mind wanted to say for years. Mashawn has the words that your body can’t say. Sexual Seduction is the book that has been in the making from the first thoughts of sex during history. It’s the book that taught Casanova how to be the man of love and made Cleopatra the woman to be loved. Now you can join the great men and women of history with the power of S

Details of the book - Sexual Seduction

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781934947470
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1934947474
Publishing year: 2010
Publisher: ASTA PUBN
126 Pages
Weight: 0,168 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2012-06-05T06:27:54+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2018-07-19T01:11:23+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9781934947470

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-934947-47-4, 978-1-934947-47-0

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