1969, ISBN: 1441757341
Enchantingly dark and compellingly real, the World Fantasy Award-winning novel Last Call, set in the gritty, dazzling underworld known as Las Vegas, is a masterpiece of magic realism from… More...
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2010, EAN: 1441757341
Audio CD, [EAN: 9781441757340], Audiobook, Unabridged, Blackstone Audiobooks, Blackstone Audiobooks, Book, [PU: Blackstone Audiobooks], 2010-12-01, Blackstone Audiobooks, 279254, Fantasy,… More...
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2010, EAN: 1441757341
Audio CD, [EAN: 9781441757340], Audiobook, Unabridged, Blackstone Audiobooks, Blackstone Audiobooks, Book, [PU: Blackstone Audiobooks], 2010-12-01, Blackstone Audiobooks, 279254, Fantasy,… More...
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ISBN: 9781441757340
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ISBN: 9781441757340
Last Call Last-Call~~Tim-Powers Undefined>Undefined>Undefined Audiobook (CD), Blackstone Audio, Inc.
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1969, ISBN: 1441757341
Enchantingly dark and compellingly real, the World Fantasy Award-winning novel Last Call, set in the gritty, dazzling underworld known as Las Vegas, is a masterpiece of magic realism from… More...

2010, EAN: 1441757341
Audio CD, [EAN: 9781441757340], Audiobook, Unabridged, Blackstone Audiobooks, Blackstone Audiobooks, Book, [PU: Blackstone Audiobooks], 2010-12-01, Blackstone Audiobooks, 279254, Fantasy,… More...

EAN: 1441757341
Audio CD, [EAN: 9781441757340], Audiobook, Unabridged, Blackstone Audiobooks, Blackstone Audiobooks, Book, [PU: Blackstone Audiobooks], 2010-12-01, Blackstone Audiobooks, 279254, Fantasy,… More...

ISBN: 9781441757340
[PU: BLACKSTONE AUDIO BOOKS], Versandfertig in 2-4 Wochen, DE, [SC: 0.00], Neuware, gewerbliches Angebot, offene Rechnung (Vorkasse vorbehalten), offene Rechnung (Vorkasse vorbehalten)
ISBN: 9781441757340
Last Call Last-Call~~Tim-Powers Undefined>Undefined>Undefined Audiobook (CD), Blackstone Audio, Inc.
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Details of the book - Last Call
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781441757340
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1441757341
Publishing year: 2010
Weight: 0,440 kg
Language: eng/Englisch
Book in our database since 2012-07-25T03:12:05+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2018-06-15T18:53:56+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9781441757340
ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-4417-5734-1, 978-1-4417-5734-0
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: powers, bronson tim
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