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Lowest price: € 33.46, highest price: € 81.99, average price: € 45.05
Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - Ernst Th Jakel
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Ernst Th Jakel:

Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - hardcover

2010, ISBN: 1162463023

Hardcover, [EAN: 9781162463025], Kessinger Publishing, Kessinger Publishing, Book, [PU: Kessinger Publishing], 2010-05-22, Kessinger Publishing, 2056047011, Literary, 927790, Literature &… More...

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€ 36.60
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Jakel, Ernst Th:

Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - hardcover

2010, ISBN: 9781162463025

Hard cover, Neubuch, Literary Collections-General, Your satisfaction is our #1 Priority. We really care. 25 year bookseller, over 10 Million Customers. This book sourced directly from Ing… More...

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€ 33.46
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Jakel, Ernst Th:
Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - hardcover


ISBN: 9781162463025

Hard cover, Neubuch, Literary Collections-General, Your satisfaction is our #1 Priority. We really care. 25 year bookseller, over 10 Million Customers. This book sourced directly from Ing… More...

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€ 35.57
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Jakel, Ernst Th:
Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - hardcover

2010, ISBN: 9781162463025

Hard cover, Neubuch, Literary Collections-General, Your satisfaction is our #1 Priority. We really care. 25 year bookseller, over 10 Million Customers. This book sourced directly from Ing… More...

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Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855)
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Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855) - new book

ISBN: 1162463023

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book

Details of the book - Athen Und Sokrates: Drei Vorlesungen Gehalten Zu Frauenfeld (1855)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781162463025
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1162463023
Publishing year: 2010
106 Pages
Weight: 0,327 kg
Language: ger/Deutsch

Book in our database since 2010-09-03T08:20:41+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2020-07-17T08:09:11+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9781162463025

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-162-46302-3, 978-1-162-46302-5
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: frauenfeld, jäkel
Book title: frauenfeld, sokrates athen

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