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A Cowgirl Remembers When - Dawn Nelson, Gray Dog Press (Editor)
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Dawn Nelson, Gray Dog Press (Editor):

A Cowgirl Remembers When - new book

ISBN: 9780982274347

Winner of the Academy of Western Artists 2010 Buck Ramsey Book Award! In her coming of age book A Cowgirl Remembers When... Dawn shares her true life adventures of growing up on a ranch i… More...

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A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Dawn Nelson
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Dawn Nelson:

A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Paperback

ISBN: 0982274343

[SR: 1256982], Paperback, [EAN: 9780982274347], Gray Dog Press, Gray Dog Press, Book, [PU: Gray Dog Press], Gray Dog Press, Dawn Nelson grew up on a ranch in North-Eastern Washington Stat… More...

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A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Dawn Nelson
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Dawn Nelson:
A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Paperback

ISBN: 0982274343

[SR: 1256982], Paperback, [EAN: 9780982274347], Gray Dog Press, Gray Dog Press, Book, [PU: Gray Dog Press], Gray Dog Press, Dawn Nelson grew up on a ranch in North-Eastern Washington Stat… More...

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A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Dawn Nelson
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$ 2.49
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Dawn Nelson:
A Cowgirl Remembers When... (Memoir) (Volume 1) - Paperback

ISBN: 0982274343

[SR: 1256982], Paperback, [EAN: 9780982274347], Gray Dog Press, Gray Dog Press, Book, [PU: Gray Dog Press], Gray Dog Press, Dawn Nelson grew up on a ranch in North-Eastern Washington Stat… More...

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A Cowgirl Remembers When - Nelson, Dawn
at BetterWorldBooks.com
€ 4.48
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Nelson, Dawn:
A Cowgirl Remembers When - used book

2010, ISBN: 9780982274347

Winner of the Academy of Western Artists 2010 Buck Ramsey Book Award! In her coming of age book A Cowgirl Remembers When... Dawn shares her true life adventures of growing up on a ranch i… More...

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
A Cowgirl Remembers When

Winner of the Academy of Western Artists 2010 Buck Ramsey Book Award! In her coming of age book A Cowgirl Remembers When... Dawn shares her true life adventures of growing up on a ranch in Washington State. Hunting cougars with her trusty rifle, searching out hiding cattle in the rough cattle country, training horses and exploring the mountains surrounding her family ranch. She survives to adulthood even after encounters with wildlife, mini-wars with her brother and his friends and her teenage years when her friends she team up for holiday pranks. She survives confrontations with bulls, hunters, untrainable horses, her brother and cancer. Take time to read about growing up a cowgirl . Enjoy, reach back and remember when

Details of the book - A Cowgirl Remembers When

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780982274347
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0982274343
Publishing year: 2009
Publisher: Gray Dog Press
206 Pages
Weight: 0,308 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2011-09-27T09:07:56+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2019-10-16T09:39:35+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9780982274347

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-9822743-4-3, 978-0-9822743-4-7
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book title: remember when

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