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Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy - Peter Buirski, Pamela Haglund
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Peter Buirski, Pamela Haglund:

Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy - new book

ISBN: 9780765707529

As in raising children, in which each unique parent and child pair emerges from the ongoing, mutually influencing relationship, so it is with therapists and patients. Peter Buirski and Pa… More...

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Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy
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C$ 60.00
(aprox. € 41.30)
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Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy - new book

ISBN: 9780765707529

As in raising children, in which each unique parent and child pair emerges from the ongoing, mutually influencing relationship, so it is with therapists and patients. Peter Buirski and Pa… More...

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Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy
at Indigo.ca
C$ 60.00
(aprox. € 40.82)
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Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy - new book

ISBN: 9780765707529

As in raising children, in which each unique parent and child pair emerges from the ongoing, mutually influencing relationship, so it is with therapists and patients. Peter Buirski and Pa… More...

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Making Sense Together
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£ 24.50
(aprox. € 27.71)
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Making Sense Together - new book

ISBN: 9780765707529

As in raising children, in which each unique parent and child pair emerges from the ongoing, mutually influencing relationship, so it is with therapists and patients. Peter Buirski and Pa… More...

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Making Sense Together - Buirski, Peter; Haglund, Pamela
at ebooks.com
(aprox. € 36.99)
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Buirski, Peter; Haglund, Pamela:
Making Sense Together - new book

ISBN: 9780765707529

Peter Buirski and Pamela Haglund argue that intersubjectivity is founded on two assumptions: First, our moment-by-moment experience of ourselves and the world emerges within a dynamic, fl… More...

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book

Details of the book - Making Sense Together: The Intersubjective Approach to Psychotherapy

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780765707529
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0765707527
Publishing year: 2009
280 Pages
Weight: 0,413 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2010-04-11T00:30:43+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2021-12-28T09:56:53+00:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9780765707529

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-7657-0752-7, 978-0-7657-0752-9
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: peter ward

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