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Edwin Williams:

Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology (Hardback) - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 0415887232

[EAN: 9780415887236], Neubuch, [PU: Taylor Francis Ltd, United Kingdom], Language: English Brand New Book. Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology presents a theory of the architec… More...

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Edwin Williams:

Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - hardcover

ISBN: 0415887232

[SR: 3060377], Hardcover, [EAN: 9780415887236], Routledge, Routledge, Book, [PU: Routledge], Routledge, 952970, Grammar, 952956, Words, Language & Grammar, 952366, Education & Reference, … More...

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Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - Edwin Williams
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Edwin Williams:
Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - hardcover

ISBN: 9780415887236

Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology Regimes-of-Derivation-in-Syntax-and-Morphology~~Edwin-Williams Philosophy>Linguistics>Linguistics Hardcover, Taylor & Francis

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Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - Edwin Williams
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Edwin Williams:
Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 9780415887236

Buch, Hardcover, [PU: Routledge], Routledge, 2011

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Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - Edwin Williams
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Edwin Williams:
Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 9780415887236

Hardcover, Buch, [PU: Routledge]

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology

Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology presents a theory of the architecture of the human linguistic system that differs from all current theories on four key points. First, the theory rests on a modular separation of word syntax from phrasal syntax, where word syntax corresponds roughly to what has been called derivational morphology. Second, morphosyntax (corresponding to what is traditionally called "inflectional morphology") is the immediate spellout of the syntactic merge operation, and so there is no separate morphosyntactic component. There is no LF (logical form) derived; that is, there is no structure which 'mirrors' semantic interpretation ("LF"); instead, semantics interprets the derivation itself. And fourth, syntactic islands are derived purely as a consequence of the formal mechanics of syntactic derivation, and so there are no bounding nodes, no phases, no subjacency, and in fact no absolute islands. Lacking a morphosyntactic component and an LF representation are positive benefits as these provide temptations for theoretical mischief. The theory is a descendant of the author's "Representation Theory" and so inherits its other benefits as well, including explanations for properties of reconstruction, remnant movement, improper movement, and scrambling/scope interactions, and the different embedding regimes for clauses and DPs. Syntactic islands are added to this list as special cases of improper movement.

Details of the book - Regimes of Derivation in Syntax and Morphology

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780415887236
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0415887232
Publishing year: 2011
Publisher: Routledge
190 Pages
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2011-12-03T08:24:05+00:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2023-04-06T00:28:39+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9780415887236

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-415-88723-2, 978-0-415-88723-6
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: edwin
Book title: morphology syntax

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