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Disability and Youth Sport - Fitzgerald, Hayley
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Fitzgerald, Hayley:

Disability and Youth Sport - new book

ISBN: 9780415423533

How can or does youth sport reconcile what seems to be a fundamental contradiction between understandings of sport and disability? Has youth sport been challenged in anyway?Have alternati… More...

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Disability and Youth Sport
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€ 10.98
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Disability and Youth Sport - used book

ISBN: 9780415423533

How can or does youth sport reconcile what seems to be a fundamental contradiction between understandings of sport and disability? Has youth sport been challenged in anyway? Have alternat… More...

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Disability and Youth Sport (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) - Hayley Fitzgerald
at awesomebooks.com
£ 34.93
(aprox. € 40.22)
Shipment: € 3.441
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Hayley Fitzgerald:
Disability and Youth Sport (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) - new book

ISBN: 9780415423533

Considers the relationship between sport and disability. This book covers such topics as researching disability and youth sport, and inclusion policy towards physical education and youth … More...

No. 9780415423533. Shipping costs:1, (EUR 3.44)
Disability and Youth Sport - Hayley Fitzgerald
at BookDepository.com
€ 61.09
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Hayley Fitzgerald:
Disability and Youth Sport - Paperback

ISBN: 9780415423533

Paperback, [PU: Taylor & Francis Ltd], Considers the relationship between sport and disability. This book covers such topics as researching disability and youth sport, and inclusion polic… More...

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Disability And Youth Sport - Hayley Fitzgerald
at BarnesandNoble.com
$ 57.95
(aprox. € 50.25)
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Hayley Fitzgerald:
Disability And Youth Sport - Paperback

ISBN: 9780415423533

Disability And Youth Sport Disability-And-Youth-Sport~~Hayley-Fitzgerald Social Sciences>Sociology>Sociology Paperback, Taylor & Francis

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Disability and Youth Sport

Considers the relationship between sport and disability. This book covers such topics as researching disability and youth sport, and inclusion policy towards physical education and youth sport constructions of disability through youth sport. It is suitable for students who are interested in youth sport, disability studies, and sport policy.

Details of the book - Disability and Youth Sport

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780415423533
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0415423538
Publishing year: 2009
192 Pages
Weight: 0,272 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2008-02-24T12:19:26+00:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2024-01-22T09:08:54+00:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9780415423533

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-415-42353-8, 978-0-415-42353-3
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: fitzgerald
Book title: disability sport, disability studies

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