ISBN: 9780226391151
Paperback / softback. New. Though fascinated with the land of their tradition's birth, virtually no Japanese Buddhists visited the Indian subcontinent before the nineteenth century. … More...
Biblio.co.uk |

ISBN: 9780226391151
Paperback, [PU: The University of Chicago Press], Though fascinated with the land of their tradition's birth, virtually no Japanese Buddhists visited the Indian subcontinent before the ni… More...
BookDepository.com Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

2019, ISBN: 9780226391151
South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism Buch (fremdspr.) Richard M. Jaffe Taschenbuch, University of Chicago Press, 22.05.2019, University of Chicago Press, 2019
Orellfuessli.ch Nr. 139480083. Shipping costs:, Versandfertig innert 1 - 2 Wochen, zzgl. Versandkosten, Lieferzeiten außerhalb der Schweiz 3 bis 21 Werktage. (EUR 16.27) Details... |

2019, ISBN: 9780226391151
South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism, Buch, Softcover, [PU: University of Chicago Press], University of Chicago Press, 2019
lehmanns.de Shipping costs:Does not ship to your country., plus shipping costs Details... |

Blackwells.co.uk |

ISBN: 9780226391151
Paperback / softback. New. Though fascinated with the land of their tradition's birth, virtually no Japanese Buddhists visited the Indian subcontinent before the nineteenth century. … More...

ISBN: 9780226391151
Paperback, [PU: The University of Chicago Press], Though fascinated with the land of their tradition's birth, virtually no Japanese Buddhists visited the Indian subcontinent before the ni… More...

ISBN: 9780226391151
South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism Buch (fremdspr.) Richard M. Jaffe Taschenbuch, University of Chicago Press, 22.05.2019, University of Chicago Press, 2019
2019, ISBN: 9780226391151
South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism, Buch, Softcover, [PU: University of Chicago Press], University of Chicago Press, 2019

ISBN: 9780226391151
paperback, [PU: University of Chicago Press]
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Details of the book - Seeking Sakyamuni
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780226391151
Publishing year: 2019
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Book in our database since 2019-04-02T18:47:01+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2024-04-25T13:51:00+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 9780226391151
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Book author: jaffe
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