Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - signed or inscribed book
2023, ISBN: 9780691010731
Paperback, Hardcover, First edition
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 2nd Printing. Trade Paperback. Fine. 8x0x5. Second printing. An exceptional copy. 2016 Trade Paperback. ix, 214 pp. In 1791, General Arthur St. … More...
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 2nd Printing. Trade Paperback. Fine. 8x0x5. Second printing. An exceptional copy. 2016 Trade Paperback. ix, 214 pp. In 1791, General Arthur St. Clair led the United States army in a campaign to destroy a complex of Indian villages at the Maumee River in northwestern Ohio. Almost within reach of their objective, St. Clair's 1,400 men were attacked by about one thousand Indians. The U.S. force was decimated, suffering nearly one thousand casualties in killed and wounded, while Indian casualties numbered only a few dozen. But despite the lopsided result, it wouldn't appear to carry much significance; it involved only a few thousand people, lasted less than three hours, and the outcome, which was never in doubt, was permanently reversed a mere three years later. Neither an epic struggle nor a clash that changed the course of history, the battle doesn't even have a name. Yet, as renowned Native American historian Colin Calloway demonstrates here, St. Clair's Defeat--as it came to be known-- was hugely important for its time. It was both the biggest victory the Native Americans ever won, and, proportionately, the biggest military disaster the United States had suffered. With the British in Canada waiting in the wings for the American experiment in republicanism to fail, and some regions of the West gravitating toward alliance with Spain, the defeat threatened the very existence of the infant United States. Generating a deluge of reports, correspondence, opinions, and debates in the press, it produced the first congressional investigation in American history, while ultimately changing not only the manner in which Americans viewed, raised, organized, and paid for their armies, but the very ways in which they fought their wars. Emphasizing the extent to which the battle has been overlooked in history, Calloway illustrates how this moment of great victory by American Indians became an aberration in the national story and a blank spot in the national memory. Calloway shows that St. Clair's army proved no match for the highly motivated and well-led Native American force that shattered not only the American army but the ill-founded assumption that Indians stood no chance against European methods and models of warfare. An engaging and enlightening read for American history enthusiasts and scholars alike, The Victory with No Name brings this significant moment in American history back to light., Oxford University Press, 2016, 5, Paperback / softback. New. Small, but smart: a Wall Street guru's secrets to making change that sticks. 'A rare self-improvement book that actually works' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Give and Take Every year, we're determined to achieve our goals: to lose weight, save money or get a promotion. But how often do we follow them through? Science - and real life - shows that this 'big push' strategy is ultimately designed to fail, with our limited willpower struggling against entrenched routines and autopilot behaviours. In Small Move, Big Change, Wall Street technology guru, Caroline Arnold, introduces micro-resolutions: simple and deceptively effective, they reward us with instant results that have huge, lasting effects that can help you revolutionise your: * Sleep * Fitness * Relationships * Organisation * Budgeting Packed full of real-world examples, this practical guide will help you spot the small moves that will bring the biggest change to your life., 6, New York : Oxford University Press, 1981. 1st edition. Hardcover. Near fine cloth copy in a very good if slightly edge-nicked and dust-toned dust-wrapper, now mylar-sleeved. Remains particularly well-preserved overall; tight, bright, clean and strong. Physical description; 363 pp.; 24 cm. Contents; Part 1: New Heaven And A New Earth: The Millennial Impulse And The Creation Of Alternative Family Systems -- Anthropological perspectives -- Social context -- Millennial response -- Structure of this study -- Part 2: They Neither Marry Nor Are Given In Marriage: The Origins And Early Development Of Celibate Shaker Communities -- English origins of Shakerism -- Early growth of the Shakers in America -- Hostility toward the Shakers -- Organizing the movement -- Tensions of transition -- Second wave of expansion -- Shaker membership: impressionistic perspectives -- Shaker membership: a quantitative analysis -- Daily life among the Shakers -- Spiritual manifestations: crisis and renewal -- Part 3: That All May Be One: John Humphery Noyes And The Origins Of Oneida Community Complex Marriage -- John Humphrey Noyes and his religious quest -- Rethinking relations between the sexes -- Noyes's marriage and the move toward community -- Ideological underpinnings -- New forms of social control: male continence and mutual criticism -- First steps toward group marriage at Putney -- Reorganizing relations between the sexes at Oneida -- Institutionalization of complex marriage -- Daily life at Oneida -- Stirpiculture and the end of complex marriage -- Noyes in retrospect -- Part 4: New And Everlasting Covenant Of Marriage: Joseph Smith And The Origins Of Mormon Polygamy, 1831-1844 -- Four approaches to the origins of Mormon polygamy -- Joseph Smith's sense of religious mission -- Intellectual origins of polygamy before Nauvoo -- Pivotal period in Nauvoo -- Revelation on plural marriage and eternal family relationships -- Reactions to polygamy -- Joseph Smith's plural wives -- Irregularities and forgotten practices -- Liminality and communitas -- Bennett scandal -- Pamphlet defense of polygamy -- Parting of the ways -- Part 5: Puritan Polygamy: Brigham Young And The Institutionalization Of Mormon Polygamy, 1844-1852 -- Role of Brigham Young -- Schismatic challenges to Brigham Young -- Prophet who failed -- Westward migration and the law of adoption -- Public announcement of plural marriage -- Practice of polygamy -- Status advantages for women under polygamy -- Divorce and polygamy in Utah -- Crusade against polygamy -- Part 6: Radical Products Of The Great Revivals: Reflections On Religion, The Family, And Social Change -- Women and the structure of religious authority -- Women and economic life -- Woman and sexual expression -- Ideals of the family, motherhood, and childrearing -- Relations with the larger society -- Causes of decline -- Permanent revolution? -- Appendix -- Notes -- Essay on sources -- Index. Subjects; Oneida Community History. Shakers History. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormon Church. Collective settlements United States ; Case studies., New York : Oxford University Press, 1981, 0, New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1921. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Good. 285 Pp. Cloth Spine With Paperlabel; Green Boards. First Printing, With 1921 Date On Title Page. Very Worn, Completely Dulled, Frayed At Corners, Rear Hinge Cracked. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe, Dated December 1921. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Thomas Seltzer, 1921, 2.5, Other [two pens shaped like the B61 nuclear weapon with transporter]. Like new. When was the pen invented? If we only think about a pen as an instrument used for making marks on another surface, we must consider that the pen as being invented during the stone age. Over the centuries writing instruments have evolved into the pen as we know it. In May of 1827, France issued its first patent on the fountain pen to a Parisian Student, Romanian Petrache Poenaru. The fountain pen which features a fine stainless-steel tip, still needs an ink well to be constantly filled with ink. Widespread production of these customized pens taking another 30 years, with others improving on the filling techniques. Fountain pens become a favorite with professionals such as barristers, professors, doctors and accountants and remain a mainstay for over a century. Originally the concept of the ballpoint pen was proposed by John J. Loud, who was looking for a way to write on surfaces other than paper. The concept was simple enough, a thin tube of ink would be placed in a comfortable cylinder, the ink would be held in a metal ball in a socket. When the ball was pressed against a writing surface, the ball would rotate in the socket allowing a smooth even flow of ink. Mr. Loud receive his first patent for the ball point pen on October 30, 1888. Each innovation made the ballpoint better and cheaper to manufacturer. Ballpoint pens soon became available in every color, style, shape and design. They featured permanent ink, erasable ink, black ink, blue ink, red ink. It was the revolution of the pen. From Wikipedia: The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War. It is a low-to-intermediate yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage radiation implosion design. The B61 is of the variable yield ("dial-a-yield" in informal military jargon) design with a yield of 0.3 to 340 kilotons in its various mods ("modifications"). It is a Full Fuzing Option (FUFO) weapon, meaning it is equipped with the full range of fuzing and delivery options, including air and ground burst fuzing, and free-fall, retarded free-fall and laydown delivery. It has a streamlined casing capable of withstanding supersonic flight and is 11 ft 8 in (3.56 m) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches (33 cm). Basic weight is about 700 pounds (320 kg), although the weights of individual weapons may vary depending on version and fuze/retardation configuration. As of 2020, it is undergoing a 12th modification. According to the Federation of American Scientists in 2012, the roughly 400 B61-12s will cost $28 million apiece. As of 2013 the Pentagon saw the B83 nuclear bomb as a "relic of the Cold War," believing that deploying a megaton-yield gravity bomb, the highest level nuclear weapon left in the U.S. inventory, to Europe was "inconceivable" at this point. It can also only be carried by the B-2 bomber, and integrating it onto additional aircraft would be costly. The Mod 12 upgrade is being pursued as a forward-deployed tactical/strategic nuclear weapon to protect NATO and Asian allies since it can be used from dual-capable fighter aircraft, as well as planned to arm the F-35 and B-21 Raider, and its lower yield options make it more flexible with less collateral effects. Recapitalizing the B61 is hoped to lead to the retirement of the B83, resulting in the elimination of the last megaton-yield U.S. bomb and leave the B61-series as the only U.S. gravity nuclear bomb. In 2013, the Pentagon and NNSA stated that if B61 refurbishment did not begin by 2019, components in the existing weapons could begin to fail. Initially, the NNSA Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan anticipated Phase 1 development for the B61 Mod 13 Life Extension Program (LEP) beginning in 2037 with first production of the weapon in 2050, but in 2023 plans were announced to produce a new gravity bomb similar to that of the B61-12, but having a high yield similar to that of the B61-7, named the B61 Mod 13. This discards plans for the Mod 13 to be a future Mod 12 LEP. It is planned that for each B61-13 produced, one fewer B61-12 is to be produced, therefore not increasing the planned number of new B61 bombs; defense officials indicated only "a few dozen" B61-13s may be produced. The new bomb will be carried by the B-21 Raider, but it is not planned to be deployed on the F-35., 5, Melbourne London Toronto: William Heinemann, 1954. First Edition Stated 1st Printing. Red Cloth. Near Fine/No Jacket. 249 Pp. Red Cloth, Gilt. First Printing Indicated , 1954. Light Usage, Gilt Brilliant, Near Fine. Ownership Signature Of Russell W, Jelliffe, Spouse Of Rowena Jelliffe. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., William Heinemann, 1954, 4, London: Cassell, 1959. First Edition. Near Fine/Very Good. [children's version of 'The Crossing of Antarctica', 1958] [8.5x6in]; [8], 189 pp., [1], illustrated title page, numerous black and white and color images and illustrations, nine maps and plans, ; Dark blue cloth covers with silver lettering on spine, all edges trimmed; Pictorial dust jacket with red and black lettering on front and spine, color wrap around illustration of Antarctic field tent camp; Minimal shelf wear to covers, edges and corners, dusty top edge with slight fading to top and bottom of spine, age toned spots along edges of text block; Some shelf wear to dust jacket with age toned spots on front and inside flaps, slight darkening of spine and fading of red lettering, small chips and wear to top edges. Sir Vivian Fuchs ( 1908-1999) was an British explorer and scientist well known for his early African and and later Antarctic expeditions. In college at Cambridge, he was tutored by James Wordie, the geologist and senior scientist on Shackleton's 'Endurance ' expedition (1914-17). In 1947, he was appointed a geologist for the Falklands Dependencies, which included bases in Antarctica, and operated the British Antarctic Survey since 1943. At the time the bases were to claim the Antarctic sector for Great Britain in addition to the science. This was the start of his career as an Antarctic explorer. This book is about the survey work over 30 years. Vivian Fuchs (1908-1999) and Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008) led the Trans-Antarctic expedition 1955-1958. They were successful in accomplishing Shackleton's failed Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1914. However, they did it with modern mechanized SnowCats and radio communications. This expedition was one of many that part of the International Geophysical Year research projects (July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958). Over 70 countries and organizations sent teams primarily to the Antarctic, Arctic and other remote areas in the world to coordinate collection of scientific data and discovery. During this 1957, the United States established the Scott-Amundsen South Pole base as a permanent station and the Soviet Union launched the first orbiting satellite., Cassell, 1959, 3.5, In the original dustsheet. Black cloth binding with tan title on the spine.The Battle of Krasny Bor in 1943 was part of the Soviet Red Army's efforts to lift the blockade of Leningrad, one of the longest and most destructive in history. Previous works on the Battle of Krasny Bor have focused primarily on the infantry involved, especially when using veteran testimonies, and the use of artillery has been conspicuously absent. This book aims to put the reader right in the heart of the battle, describing the action from an artilleryman's point of view, seeing it fundamentally as a duel between the Soviet and German-Spanish soldiers.Review This book is about the gunners of the Spanish division, and their German colleagues supporting the division during an important part of the Leningrad battle. I was quite disappointed. I agree with the author about the importance of artillery, but I didn't learn much. I didn't know the German army relied so much on captured guns, and very few guns were mobile, so in a defensive battle they often had to destroy them to prevent their capture. There are lots of details about the organisation of a German artillery structure up to corps level, which is sometimes interesting, to a point. The other aspect is commemorative, and celebrates the glorious behaviour of the Spanish gunners, quoting captain or sergeant so and so and how they were hard done by, by receiving no battlefield honour. No disrespect here but it is like reading a text about the glorious fighters during the recent Indo Pakistani wars, a bit like it is the permanent epitome of courage. The author takes a lot of pain to redeem the Germans regarding the support they effectively provided to the Spaniards who felt abandoned. You almost feel for the poor Nazis. A lot of efforts are made not to forget a particular battery often overlooked apparently. The author also regularly describes his efforts to find a particular piece of information, which generally is a fragment of individual recollections, or the organisation of the units at some stage of the three days (or so) battle. Despite the hard work of the author, i failed to be very interested, sadly. There is a lot about hand-to-hand fighting around the battery positions, but the artillery battle is not really explained. The information is probably lacking. It is too commemorative for me; you must have a strong interest in this Spanish division more than in artillery., Pen & Sword Military., 2020, 5, Privately Published, 2012. First edition. Softcover. Like New. 8x0x6. Signed by Author. Volume Three contains photos that I took on the streets of Seattle, Washington, USA in 2012. For this volume, the last page includes a list of locations where you can see a concentration of Street Art in Seattle. Aside from its rain and coffee, Seattle is known for many things subversive, from Grunge music to the activist driven WTO riots. This region of America raised the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee. Today, there is a culture here that is only represented anonymously in the reclaimed public spaces of the city. Images dot the urban landscape in the typical street mediums that are used across the globe: spray paint, stickers, paste-ups, stencils, wheatpasting, posters, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, installations, post-graffiti, mosaic tiling, murals, wood-blocking, LED art, reverse-graffiti a.k.a. green-graffiti, cuprocking and yarn bombing. You will see that these are not commercial enterprises or vandalism graffiti, but individual creative statements... something we can all relate to. Street art as a medium has been popularized internationally by the likes of Shepard Fairey, Banksy, D*Face, Paul Insect, Swoon, Twist, Neck face, Faile, Space Invader and WK Interact. It can take on many purposes and sometimes involves activism, phenomenology, repetition, attention capture, culture jamming, direct action, guerrilla messaging, propaganda, subvertising, decoration and territory claiming. The following is a small window into this temporary world thatâs constantly being revised in a flux of new symbols. Itâs a snapshot of work on the Seattle streets, a visual capsule in time, not a comprehensive representation of Seattle street art and the people involved over the years. Some of the work only existed for a day before it was written over by other artists or removed by the city... a reminder that nothing is permanent and, control is an illusion in the chaos of a city. Enjoy". A. Tarantino (1974-Present) is an American writer, photographer and philanthropist. He is best known for a series of city specific street art photography books documenting temporary public urban art in print. He published his first book Seattle Street Art in 2011, with follow-up volumes over the years featuring Portland, Oregon; Seoul, South Korea and Hawaii Island. His interest in artistic expression started at an early age, seeing his first street art in Boston in 1988., Privately Published, 2012, 5, Privately Published, 2012. First edition. Softcover. Like New. 8x0x6. Signed by Author. Signed copies rarely offered. "Volume Two contains photos that I took on the streets of Seattle, Washington, USA in 2012. For this volume, the last page includes a list of locations where you can see a concentration of street art in Seattle. Aside from its rain and coffee, Seattle is known for many things subversive, from Grunge music to the activist driven WTO riots. This region of America raised the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee. Today, there is a culture here that isonly represented anonymously in the reclaimed public spaces of the city. Images dot the urban landscape in the typical street mediums that are used across the globe: spray paint, stickers, paste-ups, stencils, wheatpasting, posters, videoprojection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, installations, post-graffiti, mosaic tiling, murals, wood-blocking, LED art, reverse-graffiti a.k.a. green-graffiti, cuprocking and yarn bombing. You will see that these are not commercial enterprises or vandalism graffiti, but individual creative statements... something we can all relate to. Street art as a medium has been popularized internationally by the likes of ShepardFairey, Banksy, D*Face, Paul Insect, Swoon, Twist, Neck face, Faile, Space Invader and WK Interact. It can take on many purposes and sometimes involves activism, phenomenology, repetition, attention capture, culture jamming, directaction, guerrilla messaging, propaganda, subvertising, decoration and territory claiming. The following is a small window into this temporary world thatâs constantly being revised in a flux of new symbols. Itâs a snapshot of work on the Seattle streets, a visual capsule in time, not a comprehensive representation of Seattle street art and the people involved over the years. Some of the work only existed for a day before it was written over by other artists or removed by the city... a reminder that nothing is permanent and, control is an illusion in the chaos of a city". A. Tarantino (1974-Present) is an American writer, photographer and philanthropist. He is best known for a series of city specific street art photography books documenting temporary public urban art in print. He published his first book Seattle Street Art in 2011, with follow-up volumes over the years featuring Portland, Oregon; Seoul, South Korea and Hawaii Island. His interest in artistic expression started at an early age, seeing his first street art in Boston in 1988., Privately Published, 2012, 5, London: Cassell & Company LTD, 1958. First Edition. Very Good/Good. [9x6in]; xv, 337 pp. [1] , 92 color and black/white images, 9 maps, appendices and index; Light blue-gray cloth covers with silver lettering on spine, Antarctic map on front and rear endpapers; Panoramic pictorial dust jacket of Antarctic landscape with black lettering on front cover, black lettering on spine; Shelf wear to covers and edges, rubbing and large stain on back and spine; Shelf wear to dust jacket, large darken stain on spine, chips and closed tears on edges, some soiling and age toning. [Conrad p. 394, Spence 491]. Vivian Fuchs (1908-1999) and Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008) led the Trans-Antarctic expedition 1955-1958. They were successful in accomplishing Shackleton's failed Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1914. However, they did it with modern mechanized SnowCats, radio communications and resupply airdrops. This expedition was one of many that part of the International Geophysical Year research projects (July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958). Over 70 countries and organizations sent teams primarily to the Antarctic, Arctic and other remote areas in the world to coordinate collection of scientific data and discovery. During this 1957, the United States established the Scott-Amundsen South Pole base as a permanent station and the Soviet Union launched the first orbiting satellite. Forty-one years after the ill-fated Shackleton Trans Antarctic Expedition Endurance was caught in the Weddell Sea ice and forced the Shackleton to change the mission to survival, Sir Vivian Fuchs, Sir Edmund Hillary and ten others embarked from Shackleton Base to fulfill the original expedition -objectives. However, this time the Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1957-1958) was done with eight vehicles, sledges and two dog teams to travel from the Weddell Sea to the South Pole and then continue on to Scott Base at McMurdo Sound on the Ross Sea. This was only one of the expeditions during the International Geophysical Year where over 65 countries participated in scientific studies in the Arctic and Antarctic., Cassell & Company LTD, 1958, 2.75, Paperback / softback. New. Improve your organization's performance for the well-being of your clients! Organizational and Structural Dilemmas in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations explores the common pitfalls that plague nonprofit human service organizations and cause them to fail in their missions. In this book, leading scholars analyze and evaluate the inherent difficulties that impede effectiveness in these organizations. With this wide-ranging body of knowledge, research findings, and information, you will be able to identify key areas in your organization that may become troublesome at a later date and prevent them from deteriorating. This valuable tool also includes advice and suggestions for repairing detrimental situations that have already occurred or are taking place. The book supplies solutions for repairing or preventing any permanent damage to your organization's structure, value, or reputation. Organizational and Structural Dilemmas in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations will help you set successful long-term strategies for your organization, despite changes in laws, programs, and public sentiment. With this book, you will learn more about: the changing identity of federated community service organizations the role of congregations as social service providers volunteer and paid staff relations the implications of welfare-to-work programs the cycles of public sentiment as expressed through the media the issue of nonprofit executive misbehavior the preferences of social work graduates for employment in various sectors of the welfare economy such as for-profit as opposed to nonprofit the differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations, 6, Brookings Institution Press, 1994-09-01. Hardcover. Like New. Prompt shipment, with tracking. we ship in CLEAN SECURE NEW boxes 9.3 x 6.3 x 1.4 inches ABOUT THE BOOK Safety Nets, Politics, and the Poor: Transitions to Market Economies FROM THE PUBLISHER In this book, Carol Graham argues that safety nets can provide an environment in which economic reform is more politically sustainable and poverty can be permanently reduced. However, these two objectives frequently involve trade-offs, as vocal and organized opponents to reform often concern governments far more than the poor do. These organized and less vulnerable groups tend to place heavy demands on the scarce resources available to governments at times of economic crisis. Governments that fail to address the social costs of reform, meanwhile, often face popular opposition that jeopardizes or even derails the entire market transition. The author examines these trade-offs in detail, with a particular focus on how political and institutional contexts affect the kinds of safety nets that are implemented. For example, reaching the poor and vulnerable with safety nets tends to be more difficult in closed-party systems where entrenched interest groups have a monopoly on state benefits. In contrast, dramatic political change or rapid implementation of economic reform undermines the influence of such groups and therefore can provide unique political opportunities to redirect resources to the poor. Rather than focus their efforts on organized interest groups - such as public sector unions - which have a great deal to lose in the process of reform, governments might better concentrate their efforts on poor groups that have rarely, if ever, received benefits from the state. The poor, meanwhile, may gain a new stake in the ongoing process of economic and public sector reform through organizing to solicit the state for safety net benefits. This is the first book to provide a detailed and comparative analysis of compensation during economic reform. Graham offers specific examples of resource allocation in three regions: Latin America, eastern Europe, and Africa. She features case studies from Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Poland, Senegal, and Zambia. The case studies yield valuab FROM THE CRITICS Booknews Graham (the World Bank) argues that safety nets for the poor can provide an environment in which economic reform is more politically sustainable and poverty can be permanently reduced. She examines the trade-offs associated with balancing the needs of the poor with the demands of less vulnerable groups, focusing on how political and institutional contexts affect the kinds of programs implemented. She offers specific examples of resource allocation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa, and discusses case studies. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com), Brookings Institution Press, 1994-09-01, 5, New York / Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1897. First American Edition . Hardcover. Near Fine. Plates, Facsimiles. Iv, 292 Pp. Green Cloth, Gilt, Top Edge Gilt. First American Printing. Slight Usage, Would Be Near Fine But Rubbing Near Bottom Of Spine. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe Dated 1915. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Thomas Y. Crowell, 1897, 4, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1923. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Good. Frontispiece Of The Liberator, April 23, 1831; Plates. (X), 345 Pp. Black Cloth. First Printing, With 1923 Date On Title Page. Very Worn, Spine Lettering Completely Dulled, Frayed At Corners, Hinges Cracked. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe, Dated November 1923, . Oswald Garrison Villard (1872 - 1949) Was An American Journalist And Editor Of The New York Evening Post.Villard Was Born In Wiesbaden, Germany, On March 13, 1872, While His Parents Were Living There. He Was The Son Of Henry Villard, An American Newspaper Correspondent Who Had Been An Immigrant From Germany, And Fanny (Garrison) Villard, Daughter Of Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. Fanny Villard Was A Suffragist And One Of The Founders Of The Women's Peace Movement. His Father Later Invested In Railroads, And Bought The Nation And The New York Evening Post In 1881. The Family Returned To The United States Soon After Villard's Birth, Settling In New York City In 1876. He Was A Civil Rights Activist, And Along With His Mother, Fanny Villard, A Founding Member Of The Naacp. In 1913 He Wrote To President Woodrow Wilson To Protest His Administration's Racial Segregation Of Federal Offices In Washington, Dc, A Change From Previous Integrated Conditions. He Was A Leading Liberal Spokesman In The 1920S And 1930S, Then Turned To The Right. Villard Was A Founder Of The American Anti-Imperialist League, Favoring Independence For Territories Taken In The Spanish-American War. He Provided A Rare Direct Link Between The Anti-Imperialism Of The Late 19Th Century And The Conservative Old Right Of The 1930S And 1940S. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Alfred A. Knopf, 1923, 2.5, Baltimore, Maryland: The Nautical & Aviation Publishing company of Ameirca, 1987. First Edition this publisher. Presumed firs printing thus. Hardcover. Very good/Very good. 267, [5] pages. Fronts Illustration. Sources. Introduction by Williamson Murray. Johannes "Macky" Steinhoff (15 September 1913 - 21 February 1994) was a Luftwaffe fighter ace during World War II, German general, and NATO official. He was one of very few Luftwaffe pilots who survived to fly operationally through the whole of the war period 1939-45. He was one of the highest-scoring pilots with 176 victories, and one of the first to fly the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter in combat. Steinhoff was decorated with the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, and later received several foreign awards including the American Legion of Merit and the French Legion of Honour. As a member of Jagdverband-44 (JV-44) Steinhoff was permanently disfigured after receiving major burns across most of his body after crashing his Me-262 after a failed takeoff. Steinhoff retired as a four star general in the new German Air Force at age 59. Steinhoff joined the West German government's Rearmament Office as a consultant on military aviation in 1952 and became one of the principal officials tasked with building the German Air Force during the Cold War. He became the German Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee in 1960, served as Acting Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe in NATO 1965-1966, as Inspector of the Air Force 1966-1970 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee 1971-1974. In retirement, Steinhoff became a widely read author of books on German military aviation during the Second World War and the experiences of the German people at that time. The author, an ace with well over one hundred allied aircraft to his credit, tells of the psychological strain and physical perils that the pilots faced in the battle of attrition. Already handicapped with only one fighter for every 10 allied aircraft, the German pilots of the 77th fighter group were mostly young and unskilled. They were no match for their opponents who were sophisticated and well equipped. Some older pilots survived, but they too were slowly eliminated. By choosing just a few weeks of desperate combat, the author conveys the intensity of a fighter pilot's experience in war, and reveals the thoughts of men committed to trying to retrieve an impossible strategic situation with their skill and bravery. Based on the author's personal World War II diary. An unflinching look at Luftwaffe combat, tactics, and leadership during the campaign for Sicily. A concluding chapter assesses the war's lessons for air forces. In an account of unusual power, Luftwaffe ace Johannes Steinhoff recounts the final days of the German air force on Sicily in June and July 1943. Facing crushing odds--including a commander, Hermann Goering, who contemptuously treated his pilots as cowards--Steinhoff and his fellow Messerschmitt 109 pilots took to the skies day after day to meet waves of dreaded Flying Fortresses and swarms of Allied fighters, all bent on driving the Germans from the island. A captivating narrative and a piercing analysis, this book is a classic of aerial combat.", The Nautical & Aviation Publishing company of Ameirca, 1987, 3, Biblioteca del Bicentenario. Softcover, with flaps, measures approximately 6.5" x 8.5", shows very light shelfwear. Binding is sound. Pages are clean and bright. 423 pages.José Bengoa, ha hecho un camino sistemático de investigación en torno de la problemática mapuche, y hoy nos ofrece esta edición corregida de la ya clásica obra sobre la historia del pueblo Mapuche. Tras una minuciosa recopilación de material historiográfico, Bengoa nos propone este trabajo que recoge historias de heroísmo, de victorias y derrotas parciales, buscando con ello que la palabra silenciada llegue hasta nuestros oídos, en pos de una mayor comprensión del sentido que hay tras la lucha de esta etnia. El libro reconstruye la larga historia del pueblo mapuche poniendo especial énfasis en su último período de vida independiente durante el siglo XIX. Se detalla su organización social y el proceso político y militar que culminó con la ocupación de la Araucanía. Se describe, con el apoyo de importante documentación, lo ocurrido con sus tierras y con su cultura durante las primeras décadas de este siglo. En tal sentido la reedición de este libro viene a ser un acierto, no sólo por la permanente vigencia que este tema tiene para la sociedad chilena, la que no logra dar satisfacción a las demandas y reivindicaciones de un pueblo por su derecho a existir, a preservar y reproducir su cultura, sino porque constituye además un valioso aporte a nuestra historiografía.José Bengoa has systematically researched the issues that have confronted the Mapuche, and today he offers us this corrected edition of the classic work on the history of the Mapuche people. After a meticulous compilation of historiographical material, Bengoa presents a work that collects stories of heroism, of victories and partial defeats, seeking with it that the silenced word reach our ears, in pursuit of a greater understanding of the meaning behind the struggle of this ethnic group. The book reconstructs the long history of the Mapuche people with special emphasis on their last period of independent life during the nineteenth century. Its social organization and the political and military processes that culminated with the occupation of Araucanía are detailed. It describes, on the basis of important documentation, what happened to their lands and their culture during the first decades of this century. In this sense, the reissue of this book is a success, not only because of the permanent validity that this issue has for Chilean society, which fails to satisfy the demands and claims of a people for their right to exist, to preserve and reproduce their culture, but also because it constitutes a valuable contribution to historiography of Chile., LOM Ediciones, 2000, 5, Paperback / softback. New. Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small number of other states succeed in such control? What effect do failing laws and social policies have on the state itself? In answering these questions, Joel Migdal takes a new look at the role of the state in the third world. Strong Societies and Weak States offers a fresh approach to the study of state-society relations and to the possibilities for economic and political reforms in the third world. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, state institutions have established a permanent presence among the populations of even the most remote villages. A close look at the performance of these agencies, however, reveals that often they operate on principles radically different from those conceived by their founders and creators in the capital city. Migdal proposes an answer to this paradox: a model of state-society relations that highlights the state's struggle with other social organizations and a theory that explains the differing abilities of states to predominate in those struggles., 6<
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Strong Societies and Weak States : State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World by Joel S. Migdal - used book
ISBN: 9780691010731
Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small … More...
Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small number of other states succeed in such control? What effect do failing laws and social policies have on the state itself? In answering these questions, Joel Migdal takes a new look at the role of the state in the third world. "Strong Societies and Weak States" offers a fresh approach to the study of state-society relations and to the possibilities for economic and political reforms in the third world. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, state institutions have established a permanent presence among the populations of even the most remote villages. A close look at the performance of these agencies, however, reveals that often they operate on principles radically different from those conceived by their founders and creators in the capital city. Migdal proposes an answer to this paradox: a model of state-society relations that highlights the state's struggle with other social organizations and a theory that explains the differing abilities of states to predominate in those struggles. Media > Book, [PU: Princeton University Press]<
BetterWorldBooks.com used in stock. Shipping costs:zzgl. Versandkosten., plus shipping costs Details... |

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
1988, ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<
amazon.de ThriftBooks-Chicago USA Gut Shipping costs:Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 2 bis 3 Tagen. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Details... |

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
1988, ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<
amazon.de Shipping costs:Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Details... |

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
1988, ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<
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Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - signed or inscribed book
2023, ISBN: 9780691010731
Paperback, Hardcover, First edition
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 2nd Printing. Trade Paperback. Fine. 8x0x5. Second printing. An exceptional copy. 2016 Trade Paperback. ix, 214 pp. In 1791, General Arthur St. … More...
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 2nd Printing. Trade Paperback. Fine. 8x0x5. Second printing. An exceptional copy. 2016 Trade Paperback. ix, 214 pp. In 1791, General Arthur St. Clair led the United States army in a campaign to destroy a complex of Indian villages at the Maumee River in northwestern Ohio. Almost within reach of their objective, St. Clair's 1,400 men were attacked by about one thousand Indians. The U.S. force was decimated, suffering nearly one thousand casualties in killed and wounded, while Indian casualties numbered only a few dozen. But despite the lopsided result, it wouldn't appear to carry much significance; it involved only a few thousand people, lasted less than three hours, and the outcome, which was never in doubt, was permanently reversed a mere three years later. Neither an epic struggle nor a clash that changed the course of history, the battle doesn't even have a name. Yet, as renowned Native American historian Colin Calloway demonstrates here, St. Clair's Defeat--as it came to be known-- was hugely important for its time. It was both the biggest victory the Native Americans ever won, and, proportionately, the biggest military disaster the United States had suffered. With the British in Canada waiting in the wings for the American experiment in republicanism to fail, and some regions of the West gravitating toward alliance with Spain, the defeat threatened the very existence of the infant United States. Generating a deluge of reports, correspondence, opinions, and debates in the press, it produced the first congressional investigation in American history, while ultimately changing not only the manner in which Americans viewed, raised, organized, and paid for their armies, but the very ways in which they fought their wars. Emphasizing the extent to which the battle has been overlooked in history, Calloway illustrates how this moment of great victory by American Indians became an aberration in the national story and a blank spot in the national memory. Calloway shows that St. Clair's army proved no match for the highly motivated and well-led Native American force that shattered not only the American army but the ill-founded assumption that Indians stood no chance against European methods and models of warfare. An engaging and enlightening read for American history enthusiasts and scholars alike, The Victory with No Name brings this significant moment in American history back to light., Oxford University Press, 2016, 5, Paperback / softback. New. Small, but smart: a Wall Street guru's secrets to making change that sticks. 'A rare self-improvement book that actually works' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Give and Take Every year, we're determined to achieve our goals: to lose weight, save money or get a promotion. But how often do we follow them through? Science - and real life - shows that this 'big push' strategy is ultimately designed to fail, with our limited willpower struggling against entrenched routines and autopilot behaviours. In Small Move, Big Change, Wall Street technology guru, Caroline Arnold, introduces micro-resolutions: simple and deceptively effective, they reward us with instant results that have huge, lasting effects that can help you revolutionise your: * Sleep * Fitness * Relationships * Organisation * Budgeting Packed full of real-world examples, this practical guide will help you spot the small moves that will bring the biggest change to your life., 6, New York : Oxford University Press, 1981. 1st edition. Hardcover. Near fine cloth copy in a very good if slightly edge-nicked and dust-toned dust-wrapper, now mylar-sleeved. Remains particularly well-preserved overall; tight, bright, clean and strong. Physical description; 363 pp.; 24 cm. Contents; Part 1: New Heaven And A New Earth: The Millennial Impulse And The Creation Of Alternative Family Systems -- Anthropological perspectives -- Social context -- Millennial response -- Structure of this study -- Part 2: They Neither Marry Nor Are Given In Marriage: The Origins And Early Development Of Celibate Shaker Communities -- English origins of Shakerism -- Early growth of the Shakers in America -- Hostility toward the Shakers -- Organizing the movement -- Tensions of transition -- Second wave of expansion -- Shaker membership: impressionistic perspectives -- Shaker membership: a quantitative analysis -- Daily life among the Shakers -- Spiritual manifestations: crisis and renewal -- Part 3: That All May Be One: John Humphery Noyes And The Origins Of Oneida Community Complex Marriage -- John Humphrey Noyes and his religious quest -- Rethinking relations between the sexes -- Noyes's marriage and the move toward community -- Ideological underpinnings -- New forms of social control: male continence and mutual criticism -- First steps toward group marriage at Putney -- Reorganizing relations between the sexes at Oneida -- Institutionalization of complex marriage -- Daily life at Oneida -- Stirpiculture and the end of complex marriage -- Noyes in retrospect -- Part 4: New And Everlasting Covenant Of Marriage: Joseph Smith And The Origins Of Mormon Polygamy, 1831-1844 -- Four approaches to the origins of Mormon polygamy -- Joseph Smith's sense of religious mission -- Intellectual origins of polygamy before Nauvoo -- Pivotal period in Nauvoo -- Revelation on plural marriage and eternal family relationships -- Reactions to polygamy -- Joseph Smith's plural wives -- Irregularities and forgotten practices -- Liminality and communitas -- Bennett scandal -- Pamphlet defense of polygamy -- Parting of the ways -- Part 5: Puritan Polygamy: Brigham Young And The Institutionalization Of Mormon Polygamy, 1844-1852 -- Role of Brigham Young -- Schismatic challenges to Brigham Young -- Prophet who failed -- Westward migration and the law of adoption -- Public announcement of plural marriage -- Practice of polygamy -- Status advantages for women under polygamy -- Divorce and polygamy in Utah -- Crusade against polygamy -- Part 6: Radical Products Of The Great Revivals: Reflections On Religion, The Family, And Social Change -- Women and the structure of religious authority -- Women and economic life -- Woman and sexual expression -- Ideals of the family, motherhood, and childrearing -- Relations with the larger society -- Causes of decline -- Permanent revolution? -- Appendix -- Notes -- Essay on sources -- Index. Subjects; Oneida Community History. Shakers History. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormon Church. Collective settlements United States ; Case studies., New York : Oxford University Press, 1981, 0, New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1921. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Good. 285 Pp. Cloth Spine With Paperlabel; Green Boards. First Printing, With 1921 Date On Title Page. Very Worn, Completely Dulled, Frayed At Corners, Rear Hinge Cracked. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe, Dated December 1921. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Thomas Seltzer, 1921, 2.5, Other [two pens shaped like the B61 nuclear weapon with transporter]. Like new. When was the pen invented? If we only think about a pen as an instrument used for making marks on another surface, we must consider that the pen as being invented during the stone age. Over the centuries writing instruments have evolved into the pen as we know it. In May of 1827, France issued its first patent on the fountain pen to a Parisian Student, Romanian Petrache Poenaru. The fountain pen which features a fine stainless-steel tip, still needs an ink well to be constantly filled with ink. Widespread production of these customized pens taking another 30 years, with others improving on the filling techniques. Fountain pens become a favorite with professionals such as barristers, professors, doctors and accountants and remain a mainstay for over a century. Originally the concept of the ballpoint pen was proposed by John J. Loud, who was looking for a way to write on surfaces other than paper. The concept was simple enough, a thin tube of ink would be placed in a comfortable cylinder, the ink would be held in a metal ball in a socket. When the ball was pressed against a writing surface, the ball would rotate in the socket allowing a smooth even flow of ink. Mr. Loud receive his first patent for the ball point pen on October 30, 1888. Each innovation made the ballpoint better and cheaper to manufacturer. Ballpoint pens soon became available in every color, style, shape and design. They featured permanent ink, erasable ink, black ink, blue ink, red ink. It was the revolution of the pen. From Wikipedia: The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War. It is a low-to-intermediate yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage radiation implosion design. The B61 is of the variable yield ("dial-a-yield" in informal military jargon) design with a yield of 0.3 to 340 kilotons in its various mods ("modifications"). It is a Full Fuzing Option (FUFO) weapon, meaning it is equipped with the full range of fuzing and delivery options, including air and ground burst fuzing, and free-fall, retarded free-fall and laydown delivery. It has a streamlined casing capable of withstanding supersonic flight and is 11 ft 8 in (3.56 m) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches (33 cm). Basic weight is about 700 pounds (320 kg), although the weights of individual weapons may vary depending on version and fuze/retardation configuration. As of 2020, it is undergoing a 12th modification. According to the Federation of American Scientists in 2012, the roughly 400 B61-12s will cost $28 million apiece. As of 2013 the Pentagon saw the B83 nuclear bomb as a "relic of the Cold War," believing that deploying a megaton-yield gravity bomb, the highest level nuclear weapon left in the U.S. inventory, to Europe was "inconceivable" at this point. It can also only be carried by the B-2 bomber, and integrating it onto additional aircraft would be costly. The Mod 12 upgrade is being pursued as a forward-deployed tactical/strategic nuclear weapon to protect NATO and Asian allies since it can be used from dual-capable fighter aircraft, as well as planned to arm the F-35 and B-21 Raider, and its lower yield options make it more flexible with less collateral effects. Recapitalizing the B61 is hoped to lead to the retirement of the B83, resulting in the elimination of the last megaton-yield U.S. bomb and leave the B61-series as the only U.S. gravity nuclear bomb. In 2013, the Pentagon and NNSA stated that if B61 refurbishment did not begin by 2019, components in the existing weapons could begin to fail. Initially, the NNSA Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan anticipated Phase 1 development for the B61 Mod 13 Life Extension Program (LEP) beginning in 2037 with first production of the weapon in 2050, but in 2023 plans were announced to produce a new gravity bomb similar to that of the B61-12, but having a high yield similar to that of the B61-7, named the B61 Mod 13. This discards plans for the Mod 13 to be a future Mod 12 LEP. It is planned that for each B61-13 produced, one fewer B61-12 is to be produced, therefore not increasing the planned number of new B61 bombs; defense officials indicated only "a few dozen" B61-13s may be produced. The new bomb will be carried by the B-21 Raider, but it is not planned to be deployed on the F-35., 5, Melbourne London Toronto: William Heinemann, 1954. First Edition Stated 1st Printing. Red Cloth. Near Fine/No Jacket. 249 Pp. Red Cloth, Gilt. First Printing Indicated , 1954. Light Usage, Gilt Brilliant, Near Fine. Ownership Signature Of Russell W, Jelliffe, Spouse Of Rowena Jelliffe. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., William Heinemann, 1954, 4, London: Cassell, 1959. First Edition. Near Fine/Very Good. [children's version of 'The Crossing of Antarctica', 1958] [8.5x6in]; [8], 189 pp., [1], illustrated title page, numerous black and white and color images and illustrations, nine maps and plans, ; Dark blue cloth covers with silver lettering on spine, all edges trimmed; Pictorial dust jacket with red and black lettering on front and spine, color wrap around illustration of Antarctic field tent camp; Minimal shelf wear to covers, edges and corners, dusty top edge with slight fading to top and bottom of spine, age toned spots along edges of text block; Some shelf wear to dust jacket with age toned spots on front and inside flaps, slight darkening of spine and fading of red lettering, small chips and wear to top edges. Sir Vivian Fuchs ( 1908-1999) was an British explorer and scientist well known for his early African and and later Antarctic expeditions. In college at Cambridge, he was tutored by James Wordie, the geologist and senior scientist on Shackleton's 'Endurance ' expedition (1914-17). In 1947, he was appointed a geologist for the Falklands Dependencies, which included bases in Antarctica, and operated the British Antarctic Survey since 1943. At the time the bases were to claim the Antarctic sector for Great Britain in addition to the science. This was the start of his career as an Antarctic explorer. This book is about the survey work over 30 years. Vivian Fuchs (1908-1999) and Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008) led the Trans-Antarctic expedition 1955-1958. They were successful in accomplishing Shackleton's failed Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1914. However, they did it with modern mechanized SnowCats and radio communications. This expedition was one of many that part of the International Geophysical Year research projects (July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958). Over 70 countries and organizations sent teams primarily to the Antarctic, Arctic and other remote areas in the world to coordinate collection of scientific data and discovery. During this 1957, the United States established the Scott-Amundsen South Pole base as a permanent station and the Soviet Union launched the first orbiting satellite., Cassell, 1959, 3.5, In the original dustsheet. Black cloth binding with tan title on the spine.The Battle of Krasny Bor in 1943 was part of the Soviet Red Army's efforts to lift the blockade of Leningrad, one of the longest and most destructive in history. Previous works on the Battle of Krasny Bor have focused primarily on the infantry involved, especially when using veteran testimonies, and the use of artillery has been conspicuously absent. This book aims to put the reader right in the heart of the battle, describing the action from an artilleryman's point of view, seeing it fundamentally as a duel between the Soviet and German-Spanish soldiers.Review This book is about the gunners of the Spanish division, and their German colleagues supporting the division during an important part of the Leningrad battle. I was quite disappointed. I agree with the author about the importance of artillery, but I didn't learn much. I didn't know the German army relied so much on captured guns, and very few guns were mobile, so in a defensive battle they often had to destroy them to prevent their capture. There are lots of details about the organisation of a German artillery structure up to corps level, which is sometimes interesting, to a point. The other aspect is commemorative, and celebrates the glorious behaviour of the Spanish gunners, quoting captain or sergeant so and so and how they were hard done by, by receiving no battlefield honour. No disrespect here but it is like reading a text about the glorious fighters during the recent Indo Pakistani wars, a bit like it is the permanent epitome of courage. The author takes a lot of pain to redeem the Germans regarding the support they effectively provided to the Spaniards who felt abandoned. You almost feel for the poor Nazis. A lot of efforts are made not to forget a particular battery often overlooked apparently. The author also regularly describes his efforts to find a particular piece of information, which generally is a fragment of individual recollections, or the organisation of the units at some stage of the three days (or so) battle. Despite the hard work of the author, i failed to be very interested, sadly. There is a lot about hand-to-hand fighting around the battery positions, but the artillery battle is not really explained. The information is probably lacking. It is too commemorative for me; you must have a strong interest in this Spanish division more than in artillery., Pen & Sword Military., 2020, 5, Privately Published, 2012. First edition. Softcover. Like New. 8x0x6. Signed by Author. Volume Three contains photos that I took on the streets of Seattle, Washington, USA in 2012. For this volume, the last page includes a list of locations where you can see a concentration of Street Art in Seattle. Aside from its rain and coffee, Seattle is known for many things subversive, from Grunge music to the activist driven WTO riots. This region of America raised the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee. Today, there is a culture here that is only represented anonymously in the reclaimed public spaces of the city. Images dot the urban landscape in the typical street mediums that are used across the globe: spray paint, stickers, paste-ups, stencils, wheatpasting, posters, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, installations, post-graffiti, mosaic tiling, murals, wood-blocking, LED art, reverse-graffiti a.k.a. green-graffiti, cuprocking and yarn bombing. You will see that these are not commercial enterprises or vandalism graffiti, but individual creative statements... something we can all relate to. Street art as a medium has been popularized internationally by the likes of Shepard Fairey, Banksy, D*Face, Paul Insect, Swoon, Twist, Neck face, Faile, Space Invader and WK Interact. It can take on many purposes and sometimes involves activism, phenomenology, repetition, attention capture, culture jamming, direct action, guerrilla messaging, propaganda, subvertising, decoration and territory claiming. The following is a small window into this temporary world thatâs constantly being revised in a flux of new symbols. Itâs a snapshot of work on the Seattle streets, a visual capsule in time, not a comprehensive representation of Seattle street art and the people involved over the years. Some of the work only existed for a day before it was written over by other artists or removed by the city... a reminder that nothing is permanent and, control is an illusion in the chaos of a city. Enjoy". A. Tarantino (1974-Present) is an American writer, photographer and philanthropist. He is best known for a series of city specific street art photography books documenting temporary public urban art in print. He published his first book Seattle Street Art in 2011, with follow-up volumes over the years featuring Portland, Oregon; Seoul, South Korea and Hawaii Island. His interest in artistic expression started at an early age, seeing his first street art in Boston in 1988., Privately Published, 2012, 5, Privately Published, 2012. First edition. Softcover. Like New. 8x0x6. Signed by Author. Signed copies rarely offered. "Volume Two contains photos that I took on the streets of Seattle, Washington, USA in 2012. For this volume, the last page includes a list of locations where you can see a concentration of street art in Seattle. Aside from its rain and coffee, Seattle is known for many things subversive, from Grunge music to the activist driven WTO riots. This region of America raised the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee. Today, there is a culture here that isonly represented anonymously in the reclaimed public spaces of the city. Images dot the urban landscape in the typical street mediums that are used across the globe: spray paint, stickers, paste-ups, stencils, wheatpasting, posters, videoprojection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, installations, post-graffiti, mosaic tiling, murals, wood-blocking, LED art, reverse-graffiti a.k.a. green-graffiti, cuprocking and yarn bombing. You will see that these are not commercial enterprises or vandalism graffiti, but individual creative statements... something we can all relate to. Street art as a medium has been popularized internationally by the likes of ShepardFairey, Banksy, D*Face, Paul Insect, Swoon, Twist, Neck face, Faile, Space Invader and WK Interact. It can take on many purposes and sometimes involves activism, phenomenology, repetition, attention capture, culture jamming, directaction, guerrilla messaging, propaganda, subvertising, decoration and territory claiming. The following is a small window into this temporary world thatâs constantly being revised in a flux of new symbols. Itâs a snapshot of work on the Seattle streets, a visual capsule in time, not a comprehensive representation of Seattle street art and the people involved over the years. Some of the work only existed for a day before it was written over by other artists or removed by the city... a reminder that nothing is permanent and, control is an illusion in the chaos of a city". A. Tarantino (1974-Present) is an American writer, photographer and philanthropist. He is best known for a series of city specific street art photography books documenting temporary public urban art in print. He published his first book Seattle Street Art in 2011, with follow-up volumes over the years featuring Portland, Oregon; Seoul, South Korea and Hawaii Island. His interest in artistic expression started at an early age, seeing his first street art in Boston in 1988., Privately Published, 2012, 5, London: Cassell & Company LTD, 1958. First Edition. Very Good/Good. [9x6in]; xv, 337 pp. [1] , 92 color and black/white images, 9 maps, appendices and index; Light blue-gray cloth covers with silver lettering on spine, Antarctic map on front and rear endpapers; Panoramic pictorial dust jacket of Antarctic landscape with black lettering on front cover, black lettering on spine; Shelf wear to covers and edges, rubbing and large stain on back and spine; Shelf wear to dust jacket, large darken stain on spine, chips and closed tears on edges, some soiling and age toning. [Conrad p. 394, Spence 491]. Vivian Fuchs (1908-1999) and Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008) led the Trans-Antarctic expedition 1955-1958. They were successful in accomplishing Shackleton's failed Trans-Antarctic expedition in 1914. However, they did it with modern mechanized SnowCats, radio communications and resupply airdrops. This expedition was one of many that part of the International Geophysical Year research projects (July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958). Over 70 countries and organizations sent teams primarily to the Antarctic, Arctic and other remote areas in the world to coordinate collection of scientific data and discovery. During this 1957, the United States established the Scott-Amundsen South Pole base as a permanent station and the Soviet Union launched the first orbiting satellite. Forty-one years after the ill-fated Shackleton Trans Antarctic Expedition Endurance was caught in the Weddell Sea ice and forced the Shackleton to change the mission to survival, Sir Vivian Fuchs, Sir Edmund Hillary and ten others embarked from Shackleton Base to fulfill the original expedition -objectives. However, this time the Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1957-1958) was done with eight vehicles, sledges and two dog teams to travel from the Weddell Sea to the South Pole and then continue on to Scott Base at McMurdo Sound on the Ross Sea. This was only one of the expeditions during the International Geophysical Year where over 65 countries participated in scientific studies in the Arctic and Antarctic., Cassell & Company LTD, 1958, 2.75, Paperback / softback. New. Improve your organization's performance for the well-being of your clients! Organizational and Structural Dilemmas in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations explores the common pitfalls that plague nonprofit human service organizations and cause them to fail in their missions. In this book, leading scholars analyze and evaluate the inherent difficulties that impede effectiveness in these organizations. With this wide-ranging body of knowledge, research findings, and information, you will be able to identify key areas in your organization that may become troublesome at a later date and prevent them from deteriorating. This valuable tool also includes advice and suggestions for repairing detrimental situations that have already occurred or are taking place. The book supplies solutions for repairing or preventing any permanent damage to your organization's structure, value, or reputation. Organizational and Structural Dilemmas in Nonprofit Human Service Organizations will help you set successful long-term strategies for your organization, despite changes in laws, programs, and public sentiment. With this book, you will learn more about: the changing identity of federated community service organizations the role of congregations as social service providers volunteer and paid staff relations the implications of welfare-to-work programs the cycles of public sentiment as expressed through the media the issue of nonprofit executive misbehavior the preferences of social work graduates for employment in various sectors of the welfare economy such as for-profit as opposed to nonprofit the differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations, 6, Brookings Institution Press, 1994-09-01. Hardcover. Like New. Prompt shipment, with tracking. we ship in CLEAN SECURE NEW boxes 9.3 x 6.3 x 1.4 inches ABOUT THE BOOK Safety Nets, Politics, and the Poor: Transitions to Market Economies FROM THE PUBLISHER In this book, Carol Graham argues that safety nets can provide an environment in which economic reform is more politically sustainable and poverty can be permanently reduced. However, these two objectives frequently involve trade-offs, as vocal and organized opponents to reform often concern governments far more than the poor do. These organized and less vulnerable groups tend to place heavy demands on the scarce resources available to governments at times of economic crisis. Governments that fail to address the social costs of reform, meanwhile, often face popular opposition that jeopardizes or even derails the entire market transition. The author examines these trade-offs in detail, with a particular focus on how political and institutional contexts affect the kinds of safety nets that are implemented. For example, reaching the poor and vulnerable with safety nets tends to be more difficult in closed-party systems where entrenched interest groups have a monopoly on state benefits. In contrast, dramatic political change or rapid implementation of economic reform undermines the influence of such groups and therefore can provide unique political opportunities to redirect resources to the poor. Rather than focus their efforts on organized interest groups - such as public sector unions - which have a great deal to lose in the process of reform, governments might better concentrate their efforts on poor groups that have rarely, if ever, received benefits from the state. The poor, meanwhile, may gain a new stake in the ongoing process of economic and public sector reform through organizing to solicit the state for safety net benefits. This is the first book to provide a detailed and comparative analysis of compensation during economic reform. Graham offers specific examples of resource allocation in three regions: Latin America, eastern Europe, and Africa. She features case studies from Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Poland, Senegal, and Zambia. The case studies yield valuab FROM THE CRITICS Booknews Graham (the World Bank) argues that safety nets for the poor can provide an environment in which economic reform is more politically sustainable and poverty can be permanently reduced. She examines the trade-offs associated with balancing the needs of the poor with the demands of less vulnerable groups, focusing on how political and institutional contexts affect the kinds of programs implemented. She offers specific examples of resource allocation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa, and discusses case studies. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com), Brookings Institution Press, 1994-09-01, 5, New York / Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1897. First American Edition . Hardcover. Near Fine. Plates, Facsimiles. Iv, 292 Pp. Green Cloth, Gilt, Top Edge Gilt. First American Printing. Slight Usage, Would Be Near Fine But Rubbing Near Bottom Of Spine. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe Dated 1915. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Thomas Y. Crowell, 1897, 4, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1923. 1st Edition 1st Printing. Hardcover. Good. Frontispiece Of The Liberator, April 23, 1831; Plates. (X), 345 Pp. Black Cloth. First Printing, With 1923 Date On Title Page. Very Worn, Spine Lettering Completely Dulled, Frayed At Corners, Hinges Cracked. Ownership Signature Of Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe, Dated November 1923, . Oswald Garrison Villard (1872 - 1949) Was An American Journalist And Editor Of The New York Evening Post.Villard Was Born In Wiesbaden, Germany, On March 13, 1872, While His Parents Were Living There. He Was The Son Of Henry Villard, An American Newspaper Correspondent Who Had Been An Immigrant From Germany, And Fanny (Garrison) Villard, Daughter Of Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. Fanny Villard Was A Suffragist And One Of The Founders Of The Women's Peace Movement. His Father Later Invested In Railroads, And Bought The Nation And The New York Evening Post In 1881. The Family Returned To The United States Soon After Villard's Birth, Settling In New York City In 1876. He Was A Civil Rights Activist, And Along With His Mother, Fanny Villard, A Founding Member Of The Naacp. In 1913 He Wrote To President Woodrow Wilson To Protest His Administration's Racial Segregation Of Federal Offices In Washington, Dc, A Change From Previous Integrated Conditions. He Was A Leading Liberal Spokesman In The 1920S And 1930S, Then Turned To The Right. Villard Was A Founder Of The American Anti-Imperialist League, Favoring Independence For Territories Taken In The Spanish-American War. He Provided A Rare Direct Link Between The Anti-Imperialism Of The Late 19Th Century And The Conservative Old Right Of The 1930S And 1940S. Rowena Woodham-Jelliffe (1892-1992) Became A Pioneer In The Field Of Interracial Theater As An Outgrowth Of Her Career As A Social Worker And Co-Founder Of Karamu House. Born And Raised In New Albion, Ill., She Came To Ohio In 1910 To Enter Oberlin College, Where She Served As President Of The Oberlin Women's Suffrage League And Met Her Future Husband, Russell W. Jelliffe. After A Year Spent Jointly As Graduate Students At The University Of Chicago, Rowena And Russell Were Married And Came To Cleveland To Establish The East Side Settlement House That Eventually Became Karamu. To Help Draw Their Largely African American Constituency Into The Settlement's Program, Mrs. Jelliffe Began Producing Children's Plays With Interracial Casting. An Adult Dramatic Group, The Gilpin Players, Was Organized In The Couple's Living Room In 1920. A Permanent Theater Was Opened In 1927, After 2 Summers' Study By Mrs. Jelliffe At The School Of Theater And Dance In New York. Besides Directing 100 Plays At Karamu From 1920-46, She Sometimes Wrote Plays For The Children And Once Completed A Play By Langston Hughes When The Final Act Failed To Arrive In Time. Mrs. Jelliffe Was Also A Campaigner For Civil Rights, Helping To Integrate The Wade Park Manor Dining Room In 1926 And Marching With Martin Luther King, Jr., In The 1960S. Following Their Retirement And The Death Of Russell In 1980, Mrs. Jelliffe Remained Active In Numerous Civic And Arts Organizations, Serving On The Boards Of The East Cleveland Theater And The Fine Arts Assoc. Of Willoughby. Her Papers Are At Case Western University., Alfred A. Knopf, 1923, 2.5, Baltimore, Maryland: The Nautical & Aviation Publishing company of Ameirca, 1987. First Edition this publisher. Presumed firs printing thus. Hardcover. Very good/Very good. 267, [5] pages. Fronts Illustration. Sources. Introduction by Williamson Murray. Johannes "Macky" Steinhoff (15 September 1913 - 21 February 1994) was a Luftwaffe fighter ace during World War II, German general, and NATO official. He was one of very few Luftwaffe pilots who survived to fly operationally through the whole of the war period 1939-45. He was one of the highest-scoring pilots with 176 victories, and one of the first to fly the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter in combat. Steinhoff was decorated with the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, and later received several foreign awards including the American Legion of Merit and the French Legion of Honour. As a member of Jagdverband-44 (JV-44) Steinhoff was permanently disfigured after receiving major burns across most of his body after crashing his Me-262 after a failed takeoff. Steinhoff retired as a four star general in the new German Air Force at age 59. Steinhoff joined the West German government's Rearmament Office as a consultant on military aviation in 1952 and became one of the principal officials tasked with building the German Air Force during the Cold War. He became the German Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee in 1960, served as Acting Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe in NATO 1965-1966, as Inspector of the Air Force 1966-1970 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee 1971-1974. In retirement, Steinhoff became a widely read author of books on German military aviation during the Second World War and the experiences of the German people at that time. The author, an ace with well over one hundred allied aircraft to his credit, tells of the psychological strain and physical perils that the pilots faced in the battle of attrition. Already handicapped with only one fighter for every 10 allied aircraft, the German pilots of the 77th fighter group were mostly young and unskilled. They were no match for their opponents who were sophisticated and well equipped. Some older pilots survived, but they too were slowly eliminated. By choosing just a few weeks of desperate combat, the author conveys the intensity of a fighter pilot's experience in war, and reveals the thoughts of men committed to trying to retrieve an impossible strategic situation with their skill and bravery. Based on the author's personal World War II diary. An unflinching look at Luftwaffe combat, tactics, and leadership during the campaign for Sicily. A concluding chapter assesses the war's lessons for air forces. In an account of unusual power, Luftwaffe ace Johannes Steinhoff recounts the final days of the German air force on Sicily in June and July 1943. Facing crushing odds--including a commander, Hermann Goering, who contemptuously treated his pilots as cowards--Steinhoff and his fellow Messerschmitt 109 pilots took to the skies day after day to meet waves of dreaded Flying Fortresses and swarms of Allied fighters, all bent on driving the Germans from the island. A captivating narrative and a piercing analysis, this book is a classic of aerial combat.", The Nautical & Aviation Publishing company of Ameirca, 1987, 3, Biblioteca del Bicentenario. Softcover, with flaps, measures approximately 6.5" x 8.5", shows very light shelfwear. Binding is sound. Pages are clean and bright. 423 pages.José Bengoa, ha hecho un camino sistemático de investigación en torno de la problemática mapuche, y hoy nos ofrece esta edición corregida de la ya clásica obra sobre la historia del pueblo Mapuche. Tras una minuciosa recopilación de material historiográfico, Bengoa nos propone este trabajo que recoge historias de heroísmo, de victorias y derrotas parciales, buscando con ello que la palabra silenciada llegue hasta nuestros oídos, en pos de una mayor comprensión del sentido que hay tras la lucha de esta etnia. El libro reconstruye la larga historia del pueblo mapuche poniendo especial énfasis en su último período de vida independiente durante el siglo XIX. Se detalla su organización social y el proceso político y militar que culminó con la ocupación de la Araucanía. Se describe, con el apoyo de importante documentación, lo ocurrido con sus tierras y con su cultura durante las primeras décadas de este siglo. En tal sentido la reedición de este libro viene a ser un acierto, no sólo por la permanente vigencia que este tema tiene para la sociedad chilena, la que no logra dar satisfacción a las demandas y reivindicaciones de un pueblo por su derecho a existir, a preservar y reproducir su cultura, sino porque constituye además un valioso aporte a nuestra historiografía.José Bengoa has systematically researched the issues that have confronted the Mapuche, and today he offers us this corrected edition of the classic work on the history of the Mapuche people. After a meticulous compilation of historiographical material, Bengoa presents a work that collects stories of heroism, of victories and partial defeats, seeking with it that the silenced word reach our ears, in pursuit of a greater understanding of the meaning behind the struggle of this ethnic group. The book reconstructs the long history of the Mapuche people with special emphasis on their last period of independent life during the nineteenth century. Its social organization and the political and military processes that culminated with the occupation of Araucanía are detailed. It describes, on the basis of important documentation, what happened to their lands and their culture during the first decades of this century. In this sense, the reissue of this book is a success, not only because of the permanent validity that this issue has for Chilean society, which fails to satisfy the demands and claims of a people for their right to exist, to preserve and reproduce their culture, but also because it constitutes a valuable contribution to historiography of Chile., LOM Ediciones, 2000, 5, Paperback / softback. New. Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small number of other states succeed in such control? What effect do failing laws and social policies have on the state itself? In answering these questions, Joel Migdal takes a new look at the role of the state in the third world. Strong Societies and Weak States offers a fresh approach to the study of state-society relations and to the possibilities for economic and political reforms in the third world. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, state institutions have established a permanent presence among the populations of even the most remote villages. A close look at the performance of these agencies, however, reveals that often they operate on principles radically different from those conceived by their founders and creators in the capital city. Migdal proposes an answer to this paradox: a model of state-society relations that highlights the state's struggle with other social organizations and a theory that explains the differing abilities of states to predominate in those struggles., 6<

Joel S. Migdal:
Strong Societies and Weak States : State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World by Joel S. Migdal - used bookISBN: 9780691010731
Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small … More...
Why do many Asian, African, and Latin American states have such difficulty in directing the behavior of their populations--in spite of the resources at their disposal? And why do a small number of other states succeed in such control? What effect do failing laws and social policies have on the state itself? In answering these questions, Joel Migdal takes a new look at the role of the state in the third world. "Strong Societies and Weak States" offers a fresh approach to the study of state-society relations and to the possibilities for economic and political reforms in the third world. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, state institutions have established a permanent presence among the populations of even the most remote villages. A close look at the performance of these agencies, however, reveals that often they operate on principles radically different from those conceived by their founders and creators in the capital city. Migdal proposes an answer to this paradox: a model of state-society relations that highlights the state's struggle with other social organizations and a theory that explains the differing abilities of states to predominate in those struggles. Media > Book, [PU: Princeton University Press]<

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
1988, ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<

Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World - Paperback
1988, ISBN: 9780691010731
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, … More...
Princeton University Press, Taschenbuch, 320 Seiten, Publiziert: 1988-11-01T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.94 kg, Verkaufsrang: 2013996, Anthropologie, Sozialwissenschaft, Kategorien, Bücher, Internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Fachbücher, Politik nach Ländern, Politik & Geschichte, Internationale Politik, Politik nach Bereichen, Textbooks, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4901, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_0, Special Features Stores, Arborist Merchandising Root, Taschenbücher, acc906d0-2585-4921-a56f-3ff277850936_4201, Princeton University Press, 1988<

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Details of the book - Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780691010731
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0691010730
Publishing year: 1988
Publisher: Princeton University Press
320 Pages
Weight: 0,445 kg
Language: eng/Englisch
Book in our database since 2007-05-23T18:35:00+01:00 (London)
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ISBN/EAN: 0691010730
ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-691-01073-0, 978-0-691-01073-1
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Book author: migdal joel
Book title: third state, state world, strong societies weak states, state society, twice strong
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