2002, ISBN: 0662663551
[EAN: 9780662663553], Used, good, [PU: Status of Women Canada, Maxville, ON], CANADA WOMEN GIRLS HOMELESSNESS SOCIAL POLICY, Bilingual, French title: Où se tourner ? La situation des jeun… More...
cdn | AbeBooks.com Quickhatch Books, Ottawa, ON, Canada [526813] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 16.90 Details... |
2002, ISBN: 0662663551
[EAN: 9780662663553], Used, very good, [PU: Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Government Publishing], HOMELESS PERSONS WOMEN_CANADA YOUNG WOMEN, 138 pp English, 160 pp French , ex-lib
cdn | AbeBooks.com Sam's Place Books, Winnipeg, MB, Canada [54391487] [Rating: 5 (of 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 15.19 Details... |
2002, ISBN: 0662663551
[EAN: 9780662663553], Used, good, [PU: Status of Women Canada, Maxville, ON], CANADA WOMEN GIRLS HOMELESSNESS SOCIAL POLICY, Bilingual, French title: Où se tourner ? La situation des jeun… More...
2002, ISBN: 0662663551
[EAN: 9780662663553], Used, very good, [PU: Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Government Publishing], HOMELESS PERSONS WOMEN_CANADA YOUNG WOMEN, 138 pp English, 160 pp French , ex-lib
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Details of the book - On Her Own : Young Women and Homelessness in Canada
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0662663551 (ISBN-13: 9780662663553)
Publishing year: 2002
Publisher: Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Government Publishing
Book in our database since 2019-05-09T03:41:22+01:00 (London)
Book found last time on 2021-09-18T23:14:25+01:00 (London)
ISBN/EAN: 0662663551
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